On February 23, the University championship was held among girls in volleyball. National teams made up of agile girls of all faculties competed among themselves. The uncompromising sports competition was full of bright memories.
According to the final results, among the girls' national teams of 5 faculties, the Faculty of Social and Humanities and Information Technologies took the 3rd nomination, the Faculty of Mother Language and Literature Education took the 2nd nomination, and finally the Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice took the 1st nomination. They were lucky. We congratulate the winning teams.
Vice-rector of the university for Youth Issues and Spiritual-educational Affairs B.Kholikov, university sports coach R.Alimboyeva, deputy of all faculties, group tutors, we thank the preventive supervisor attached to the university lieutenant colonel D.Sangirovs.
Alisher Navo’i Tashkent State University of the Uzbek Language and Literature
Address: 103, Yusuf Xos Khojib Street, Yakkasaray District, Tashkent
Contact: (+998 71) 2814511
E-mail: interdep@navoiy-uni.uz, tsuull@navoiy-uni.uz
Bus: 11, 32, 47, 76, 77, 81, 98, 126, 140
Subway: “Xalqlar do‘stligi” station, “Oybek” station